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Our hydrogen is produced from surplus renewable energy and has no CO2 emissions. The only by-product is water. Hydrogen is not a fuel per se, but rather an energy carrier. A hydrogen-powered car is almost identical to an electric car, except that the energy is stored in hydrogen instead of a battery.

Hydrogen is not actually a fuel, but an energy carrier. Cars fill up with hydrogen, which is converted into electrical energy in a fuel cell. The only by-product is water.

We believe that hydrogen can play a crucial role in achieving net-zero emissions worldwide. Especially if hydrogen is produced from excess capacity where energy would otherwise be wasted.

Our vision for the coming years is to play a leading role in the global hydrogen economy. Hydrogen offers efficient transport and storage opportunities.

It can be used both as a feedstock and as a fuel in various sectors. Hydrogen is also easy to store on a large scale, making it a promising solution.

Why choose

Hydrogen is a highly circular and environmentally friendly energy source. As a zero-emission fuel (100% CO2 reduction), hydrogen offers an ideal solution for heavy haulage, hire car drivers, public transport and long-haul taxi companies. 

When produced from surplus capacity using elements such as wind and sun, hydrogen is completely green and eliminates waste. Combustion of hydrogen produces only water vapour, with no CO2 emissions, so there are no harmful emissions from driving on hydrogen. This makes green hydrogen the most environmentally friendly fuel/energy carrier. You can also drive in low emission zones.

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Advantages of hydrogen

High range

The average range of a hydrogen car is between 500 and 650km.

100% CO2 vrij

Hydrogen from OG Clean Fuels is made from renewable energy and therefore, clean! 

Access to emission zones

Hydrogen-powered vehicles will be allowed in zero-emission zones.

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Long distances without long refuelling times or limited range

Hydrogen offers trucks a long range (500 km) and fast refuelling. This makes hydrogen a suitable solution for trucks that need to travel long distances without long recharging times or limited range. Hydrogen trucks can provide high traction, making them suitable for carrying heavy loads over hilly terrain or when towing trailers. Zero-emission trucks, such as hydrogen trucks, can still benefit from an attractive exemption from road toll until the end of 2025.


The green hydrogen production process starts with the generation of solar energy. The solar energy generated is used to power the electrolyser, which splits water (H2O) into oxygen (O2) and hydrogen (H2). The hydrogen gas is then pressurised and stored in tanks.

Trucks transport the hydrogen stored in the tanks to OG's hydrogen filling stations in the Netherlands.

co2 vrij co2 vrij


Tank-to-wheel, a hydrogen car emits nothing. Well-to-wheel, this depends on the source of hydrogen. Gray hydrogen is made from natural gas. Green hydrogen comes from wind and solar energy.

Hydrogen from OG, which is made from renewable energy, is completely CO2-free. Hydrogen is also easy to store and transport. This means that renewable energy sources are used optimally. Also, hydrogen is literally everywhere called a carrier of energy.


The Netherlands has several hydrogen refuel locations, 4 of which are owned by OG Clean Fuels. Because of these locations, OG has a market-leading position. In addition, OG offers fueling facilities for both passenger cars (700 bar) and buses/trucks (350 bar).

Click here for an overview of all hydrogen locations.

Tank-to-wheel, a hydrogen car emits nothing. Well-to-wheel, this depends on the source of hydrogen. Gray hydrogen is made from natural gas. Green hydrogen comes from wind and solar energy.

Hydrogen from OG, which is made from renewable energy, is completely CO2-free. Hydrogen is also easy to store and transport. This means that renewable energy sources are used optimally. Also, hydrogen is literally everywhere called a carrier of energy.

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Available cars

From the factory there are currently two cars available: the Toyota Mirai and the Hyundai Nexo. The range of a hydrogen car is approximately between 500 and 650 kilometers.

For buses and trucks, this is often custom work, so it depends on the size of the hydrogen tank that has been installed. Second-hand hydrogen cars are also already available.

They already drive clean!

Eminent Persoonlijk Vervoer

Hans de Jeu

"As the owner of Eminent Personal Transport, I have a premiere in Drenthe with my hydrogen-powered taxi. For more than seven years I have been providing transport for the B&W of the municipality of Assen and several people from an oil company. In order to fulfil the wish of the municipality of Assen for environmentally friendly transport in the city, I decided to buy a hydrogen-powered car. As a result, my taxi does not emit any CO2 or other harmful substances, which makes it a very environmentally conscious choice".

Noot personenvervoer

"Noot Personenvervoer provides nationwide contract transport on behalf of municipalities and healthcare institutions. Our fleet consists of 2,000 vehicles, of which 150 are electric, 40 hydrogen and 400 bio-CNG (green gas). More than 600 of our taxis are Euro 6 compliant, making them some of the cleanest vehicles in the taxi industry."


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